Here is my contribution to the thread.
The more romantically charged dream was for a girl I was talking to online. This was a good year ago, and now she has a bf. I am still friends but you know how things fall out a bit when a crush gets a SO.
Anyways, the dream started out with the girl and I doing a sort of date event in a combination indoor/outdoor mall. (Please discard the geometrics of the place, it's a dream and doesn't make any sense.) We were walking around, and it was getting dark outside. We went into the food court, but nobody was in there. Either way, she pointed out a restaurant in the food court, presumably because she wanted to eat there. This was an issue considering the lack of staff (or anybody, for that matter) and then some alarm was blaring. We had to separate, and I tried to reconnect with her once outside, but I couldn't find her. Perhaps this was some portent of things to come?
Dreams are very interesting, because they can shape how we view people. Even if I never got closer to that efriend girl, in my world view I had gotten closer to her. Oh the delusions that push us forward!
yes it happed to me a lot and that guy still meets me every 5y to 4y and so.
first time we met was I was a child younger than 10 maybe 7-5, I dreamed that I was sitting in an empty castle like, it was long and big, and there is 8 doors from my right and left. i was sitting on a bench with my family: my father, mother, 3 sisters, and 1 brother.
my mother took my young sis and brother to the restroom and my father took the rest to buy something, they all went to the doors and disappeared leaving me alone I ran behind him but I couldn't find them, I was young and I feared being left behind I tried and tried entering door after another but I end up in the same place until I heard a loud thud, there were footsteps.
i freaked out maybe its the devil or a monster I am alone isn't that enough?!
the shadow got in I sat on the bench hugging my leg I shouldn't see him I pretended to be invisible by covering my eyes...but he only got closer and closer until he put his hand on my shoulder, it was big and warm, I was crying at this point I believed I'm dead...
but he shocked me
that huge shadow of a man with a big hand and a deep voice said to me softly: "Don't worry Leena, you are not alone I'm with you"
and the dream ended.
that specific dream happened to me twice in my life and I can't help but love him more and more even if he was a shadow.