She is finally free.
Ppl who support her are so weird tf
I mean, there is this one factor which makes her far less sympathetic than she'd otherwise be, which is that Yuka was herself a hostess.
But if you take that out of the equation (and I suspect most of her defenders either don't know or aren't considering that fact), then I don't think it's weird at all. The entire business model of host/hostess clubs is to hook whales like Yuka into falling in love with the hosts/hostesses and dumping their life savings into, effectively, renting a GF/BF whom they cannot ever really settle down with. If you think that love is sacred, then exploiting love like that is profane, and the victim of such exploitation responding with murder is just retribution. At the very least, jealousy murder is a known hazard of the job and already priced into hosts' pay, so there's an element of "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" which reduces people's sympathy for the stabbee and thus revulsion for the stabber.
Is now a driver? Imagine calling a cab and you just see her in the front seat LOL what in the world-
I mean, the same would go for most jobs, and she needs to be able to earn her keep somehow.