I'd like to remind everyone that this site does NOT notify us when we're offline. We only get little notifications when we come back online and are active.
I've seen lots of remarks about how the site seems dead, or asking if that's the case. The Chat doesn't exactly tell you the date, but it has timestamps in military time. And posts have dates on how long ago it was posted, or even updated. So you can see clear enough that the site is still active, but it just has some slow days.
We may not hear a ping or anything like that, but we can see notifications when we get a PM, or an unread post, and new messages, when we're online. But we don't exactly get email updates.
I just wanted to let people know that the site might not get you a conversation, right off the bat. And that you need patience when communicating, on here. I know patience is difficult—I've got ADHD, so I understand.
Anyway, please explore the site and check it out. Pick up a conversation with someone, or continue lurking until you're ready to jump in.
And, my PMs are always open if you want to chat, for any reason. I, personally, try to check the site a minimum of once a day, but I'm simply not on that much, at the moment. But that doesn't mean there aren't others, who want to chat. So reach out and say hello. And remember to give them a chance to see it.