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Dark Personality Test

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Easier to see the picture chart on a computer.

You can link results here then come back to it if on mobile.

Their dictionary:

Egoism- Excessive concern with one's own pleasure, advantage at the expense of community well-being.

Greed- Dissatisfaction of not having enough, combined with the desire to acquire more.

Machiavellianism- Cynical world view, manipulativeness, strategic-calculation, and callous affects.

Moral Disengagement- A set of cognitive processing styles of decisions and behaviors (dehumanizing, misattribution of responsibility and blame) that allow to justify behaving unethically without feeling distress.

Narcissism- Ego-reinforcement is the all-consuming motive, leading to the tendencies to approach social admiration by means of self-promotion and to prevent social failure by means of self-defense. 

Psychological Entitlement- Stable and pervasive sense that one deserves more and is entitled to more than others.

Psychopathy- Deficits in affect (callousness, lack of remorse, lack of empathy) and a lack of self-control.

Sadism- Tendency to engage in cruel, demeaning, or aggressive behaviors that achieve one's own pleasure/dominance. 

Self-centeredness- Indifference of insensitiveness to the suffering and needs of others.

Spitefulness- Spiteful is the tendency to harm others for pleasure, even if it entails harm to oneself [often a sense of moral justification]

My score (red part):

Score: 2.7/5

Highest top 5 from (highest to lowest)

1) Machiavellianism 3.88

2) Egoism 3.20

3) Self-Centeredness 3.00

4) Narcissism 2.84

5) Spitefulness 2.84

6) Moral Disengagement 2.80 

7) Greed 2.76

8) Psychological Entitlement 2.60

9) Sadism 2.40

10) Psychopathy 2.16

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True love never dies <3
last edit on 1/13/2022 8:05:56 PM
Posts: 45
2 votes RE: Dark Personality Test

First time: https://qst.darkfactor.org/?site=pFBejdYV3RYYUdwdGRYZk9jL2ZVTlo3cmdwaGxnckZLRCsrSGNmY05iVFdraFBYb2NlSitLY0p3ZGdpRnV0cmNhOQ

Second time: https://qst.darkfactor.org/?site=pFBOVVuOGZCK2huZTZIN3E0Y3lnWm0rbE04d2crcXk0K3EyRGtBUlRwRnFITUdkaXphcXZ6N0llUm1pKyt1Nm9JZw==

The two tests were done about 10 days apart.  It reflects some variance given for mood, I think.  The first was higher self-centeredness vs. spitefulness, while the second was vice versa.  Both maintained similar propensities (shape), while values were reduced from first time to second time.

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last edit on 1/16/2022 7:54:03 AM
Posts: 1
2 votes RE: Dark Personality Test


Dont Quack With Me
last edit on 1/19/2022 10:11:14 AM by Kuudear
Posts: 1
1 votes RE: Dark Personality Test

 These are my results! 😊



last edit on 1/16/2022 4:52:16 PM
Posts: 45
1 votes RE: Dark Personality Test

 Did you take the shorter test?  There is no cool graph image at the end.

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Posts: 1
1 votes RE: Dark Personality Test

Here is mine


last edit on 1/17/2022 1:55:19 AM by Kuudear
Posts: 4
1 votes RE: Dark Personality Test

my results :)


I'll love you 'til you call the cops on me <3
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